Thought leaders in


safety tech

Save Lives | Reduce Costs

What we do

We deliver the world’s best technology to support and engage workers to stay safe

Why we’re unique

Our technology includes more than 100 patent-pending inventions to enable workers in both stable and dynamic environments

Who we are

Our technology wasn’t built in a lab. It was built in the real world by a team with decades of real experience

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    Real People

    Embed procedures in the daily decisions and actions undertaken at the front line.

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    Real Work

    An enterprise solution for those who recognise that safety starts and ends at the front line.

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    Real Risks

    At the front line, things change quickly. In these critical moments, your front line is under the most pressure.

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    Real Time

    Acute oversight visibility. But more importantly, rerisk® delivers all the support your front-line needs – when and where they need it.

  • home-icon-1

    Real People

    Embed procedures in the daily decisions and actions undertaken at the front line.

  • home-icon-2

    Real Work

    An enterprise solution for those who recognise that safety starts and ends at the front line.

  • risk-icon

    Real Risks

    At the front line, things change quickly. In these critical moments, your front line is under the most pressure.

  • home-icon-4

    Real Time

    Acute oversight visibility. But more importantly, rerisk® delivers all the support your front-line needs – when and where they need it.

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Our Story

We spent decades using safety systems across mining, oil & gas, civil and construction operations. Like most employers, we noticed our workers struggled to identify all the relevant hazards and controls. Academic and industry research suggested this struggle was a human problem - workers lack motivation, training or experience - but our workers were motivated, trained and experienced. So we asked the question - if the problem is only human why don't motivation, training and experience solve it?

We discovered the problem is not just human. The problem is also mathematical.

Workers navigate infinite and dynamic tasks and environments. To stay safe they must identify the correct combination of hazards and controls given their current task and environment - and every time conditions change. If workers can only encounter up to 20 hazards and only employ up to 20 controls they must identify the correct combination from more than 1 trillion possible combinations. That's more mathematically challenging than winning the lottery. rerisk® is the only technology designed to solve this challenge.

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